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In the wilderness of 17th-century North America, French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, dreamt of forging a trade empire. His audacious plan: harness the untamed Great Lakes as a watery highway, fueled by the riches of the fur trade. But La Salle knew he needed a flagship, a vessel to bridge the vast, uncharted expanse. Thus, in 1679, on the banks of the roaring Niagara River, the Griffon took flight.

This wasn't just any ship. The Griffon, a 45-ton behemoth, was the first European sailing vessel to navigate the upper Great Lakes. Imagine the scene: La Salle, his weathered face etched with determination, standing at the helm, the wind whipping through his hair as the Griffon sliced through emerald waters, a leviathan amidst the silent canoes of the natives. It was a triumph of human ingenuity, a testament to La Salle's unwavering ambition.

But La Salle's dream, like the frothy head of a well-poured beer, was fleeting. The Griffon, laden with furs, vanished mysteriously on its return voyage, swallowed by the unforgiving embrace of the lakes. La Salle's empire dissolved, leaving behind only whispers in the wind and the tantalizing enigma of the Griffon's fate.

Yet, the story of La Salle and the Griffon lingers, a potent brew of exploration, ambition, and the untamed wilderness. It's a tale that begs to be retold, savored like a rich, complex beer, its flavors swirling with the whispers of history, the tang of adventure, and the bittersweet aftertaste of mystery. So, raise a glass, let the story wash over you, and let your imagination sail the Great Lakes with La Salle and his phantom ship, the Griffon.

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